إقرار باعتناق الإسلام في الإمارات: بأنه الوثيقة القانونية التي يثبت فيها الشخص غير المسلم باعتناقه للدين الإسلامي وفق ما تقتضية أحكام الشريعة الإسلامية| Declaration to embrace Islam in the UAE: It is the legal document in which a non-Muslim individual confirms their conversion to Islam in accordance with the provisions of Islamic Sharia law.

Declaration to Embrace Islam in the UAE: Conditions, Procedures, and Legal Form

A Declaration to Embrace Islam in the UAE is a legal document in which a non-Muslim person affirms their conversion to Islam by declaring the two testimonies of faith (Shahada) and adhering to Islamic teachings. This document allows individuals to officially confirm their new faith status and benefit from the legal rights of being Muslim.

As a licensed notary public office, you can contact us now to obtain this declaration online quickly.

When Do You Need a Declaration to Embrace Islam in the UAE?

A declaration to embrace Islam is often required for various legal and social purposes in the UAE:

  • Submission to government authorities to gain benefits and rights designated for Muslims.
  • Marriage, divorce, inheritance, and property ownership: Muslims are entitled to these rights under the law.
  • Custody of children: A mother who converts to Islam can retain custody of her children beyond the age of five under the UAE Family Law.
  • Obtain official documents such as a Hajj and Umrah permit for Mecca.
  • Access to Muslim-focused charity organizations offering support.
  • Eligibility for other Muslim-specific benefits.

Conditions for the Declaration to Embrace Islam in the UAE

To make a valid declaration to embrace Islam in the UAE, the following conditions must be met:

  • Full legal capacity: The person must be of legal age and sound mind to declare their conversion.
  • Freedom of choice: The conversion must be voluntary, without coercion or threats, by the Islamic principle of no compulsion in religion.
  • Properly declare the Shahada: The person must correctly recite the two testimonies of faith as a core requirement of embracing Islam.
  • Knowledge of the fundamentals of Islam: The individual should have an understanding of the essential tenets and practices of Islam.

Documents Required for the Declaration to Embrace Islam in the UAE

The following documents are necessary to submit the Declaration to Embrace Islam:

  1. Valid UAE National ID (for Emiratis).
  2. Civil Status Certificate (for UAE citizens).
  3. Passport (for foreign residents).
  4. A document proving prior conversion to Islam (if applicable)

Steps to Obtain the Declaration to Embrace Islam in the UAE

The process to obtain a Declaration to Embrace Islam in the UAE involves the following steps:

  1. Contact a private notary at our office for a consultation on how to proceed with the declaration.
  2. A meeting with the notary will be scheduled either remotely or in-person to discuss the details of the declaration.
  3. The individual must provide all necessary documents related to their conversion to Islam.
  4. The notary will then prepare the declaration and witness it.

Once the declaration is prepared, it will be authenticated through the Department of Justice using the following steps:

  1. Log in to your account using the applicant’s digital ID.
  2. Select the required services and complete the data entry.
  3. Attach the necessary documents, including the notarized declaration.
  4. Sign the digital transaction.
  5. Schedule a remote interview, if needed.
  6. Obtain the digitally certified document after completing the interview.

Sample Declaration to Embrace Islam in the UAE

Below is a sample Declaration to Embrace Islam in the UAE:

Declaration to Embrace Islam

I, the undersigned:

  • Name: ____________
  • Nationality: ____________
  • UAE ID Number: ____________
  • Address: ____________
  • Current Religion: ____________

I affirm, being of sound mind and full legal capacity, that I have renounced my former religion and embraced Islam as my faith. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His servant and messenger. I disassociate myself from all other religions contrary to Islam. Henceforth, I will be known as [New Name] (if desired).

Witness to my statement, I sign this declaration.

  • Name: ____________
  • Signature: ____________
  • Date: ____________

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the fees for certifying a Declaration to Embrace Islam in the UAE?
    • The certification of a Declaration to Embrace Islam in the UAE is exempt from fees.
  • What documents are required to make the declaration?
    • Required documents include personal identification (UAE ID or passport for foreigners), along with any documents proving prior conversion to Islam, if applicable.

Contact Us Now to Issue and Certify Your Declaration to Embrace Islam in the UAE

We are a federally licensed office serving all of the United Arab Emirates, offering private notary services in Dubai. With years of experience, we help clients prepare and authenticate personal declarations efficiently.

If you are looking for the best legal services to process your Declaration to Embrace Islam or certify personal declarations, do not hesitate to reach out through the contact information provided on our Contact Us page.

On this page, we have discussed the process of declaring your conversion to Islam in the UAE, its significance, and the legal rights granted. Our office is committed to drafting and certifying these declarations as an accredited private notary office.

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