إقرار بالموافقة على سفر طفل في الإمارات يتضمن الإجراءات القانونية الضرورية لتوثيق موافقة الوالدين أو الأوصياء على سفر الطفل، مما يساهم في تنظيم الحقوق والواجبات المتعلقة بسفر الطفل وفقًا للقوانين المعمول بها | Child travel consent and declaration of paternity in the UAE involve legal procedures to document the father-child relationship, ensuring rights and duties are regulated per applicable laws.

Child Travel Consent in the UAE: Everything You Need to Know

In the UAE, a child travel consent is a legal document signed by the child’s guardian or legal custodian, granting explicit approval for the child to travel outside of the UAE. As a licensed notary service provider, you can contact us now for quick online issuance of the travel consent.

Legal Basis for Child Travel Consent in the UAE

Child travel consent is a crucial requirement for a child’s permission to travel outside the UAE, per the UAE Personal Status Law (Federal Law No. 28 of 2005 and its amendments). According to Article 149, a custodian cannot take the child abroad without written approval from the child’s legal guardian. If the guardian refuses, the matter may be taken to court.

Further, Article 150, paragraph one, states that during the marriage or the waiting period after divorce, a mother cannot travel with her child or move them from the family home without the father’s written consent. Additionally, Article 151, paragraph two, confirms that if the guardian is the father or another legal guardian, they cannot travel with the child during the custody period without the custodian’s written approval.

Conditions for Obtaining a Child Travel Consent

  • Guardian’s Approval: If the child travels with the custodian, the child’s guardian, such as the father or grandfather, must approve.
  • Custodian’s Approval: The custodian’s approval is required if the child travels with the guardian.
  • If No Guardian: If the child has no legal guardian, consent must be obtained from the appointed guardian, whether chosen by the father or a court.
  • Clear Consent: The approval must be explicit and clear. Any vague or implied consent is not acceptable.
  • Travel Destination: The destination country must be mentioned in the consent.
  • Travel Duration: The expected duration of the child’s stay in the destination country must be defined.

Required Documents for Child Travel Consent

  • Child’s Details: A civil registry statement or UAE national ID (if applicable).
  • Passport Details: The child’s passport information and the passport of the accompanying person.
  • Visa Information: Proof of a visa for the child’s destination, specifying the stay duration.
  • Guardian’s Details: Information of the person granting consent for the child’s travel.
  • Relationship Proof: Evidence of the relationship between the child and the person traveling with them and proof of custody.

Read More About: How to Issue a Declaration of Parentage in the UAE

Steps to Obtain a Child Travel Consent

  1. Consultation with Notary: Contact our notary office for guidance on how to obtain the child’s travel consent.
  2. Provide Required Documents: The notary will provide all necessary details and documents required for the consent.
  3. In-Person or Remote Meeting: Meet with the notary either in person or remotely via Google Meet.
  4. Drafting the Consent: The notary drafts the travel consent according to UAE laws, including all required details.
  5. Agree on Terms: The terms, including travel duration and destination, will be specified in the document.
  6. Notary Reading: The notary reads the document aloud to ensure all parties understand its content.
  7. Signing the Consent: The guardian signs the consent. If needed, the child’s custodian also signs.
  8. Notarization: The notary certifies the signature and submits the document to the relevant authorities for legal validation.

Sample Child Travel Consent Form in the UAE

Child Travel Consent Form

I, the undersigned, as the legal guardian of the child: Name: ___________
Nationality: __________
UAE ID Number: __________
Address: __________

Hereby consent to the travel of the child ____________. (Name)
Nationality: _________
UAE ID Number: _______
Address: _______

To the country of _______ for a period of _____,
Accompanied by Mr./Mrs. ____________ (Name)
Nationality: _________
UAE ID Number: _________
Address: ____________

This consent is limited to this country and duration. I do not agree to any travel or extension beyond this unless I provide further written consent.

Guardian’s Name: ____________
Signature: ____________
Date: ____________

Frequently Asked Questions

What does “guardianship” mean in UAE law?

Guardianship in UAE law refers to the responsibility for a minor’s well-being, education, and overall care, including decisions about marriage and travel.

Can a guardian retain the child’s passport?

According to Article 157 of the, a guardian may retain the child’s passport, except when traveling. In such cases, the passport must be handed over to the custodian. The court may also decide to leave the passport with the custodian if the guardian refuses to hand it over.

Contact Us Now for Child Travel Consent Issuance

We are a federally licensed office offering Private Notary Services across the UAE, specializing in assisting clients with drafting and notarizing personal declarations. If you need child travel consent services or Certification of Personal Declarations, do not hesitate to contact us through the details on our contact page.


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